Number of messages in the past 24 hours: 14h: Mix: 169 PGP: 2 [Pool size: 31] 15h: Mix: 156 PGP: 6 [Pool size: 31] 16h: Mix: 202 PGP: 3 [Pool size: 31] 17h: Mix: 180 PGP: 2 [Pool size: 31] 18h: Mix: 224 PGP: 4 [Pool size: 31] 19h: Mix: 232 PGP: 6 [Pool size: 31] 20h: Mix: 167 PGP: 6 [Pool size: 31] 21h: Mix: 258 PGP: 5 [Pool size: 31] 22h: Mix: 303 PGP: 3 [Pool size: 31] 23h: Mix: 299 PGP: 4 [Pool size: 32] 0h: Mix: 212 PGP: 2 [Pool size: 31] 1h: Mix: 199 PGP: 3 [Pool size: 31] 2h: Mix: 229 PGP: 5 [Pool size: 31] 3h: Mix: 217 PGP: 2 [Pool size: 31] 4h: Mix: 213 PGP: 7 [Pool size: 31] 5h: Mix: 251 PGP: 3 [Pool size: 31] 6h: Mix: 220 PGP: 3 [Pool size: 31] 7h: Mix: 179 PGP: 2 [Pool size: 31] 8h: Mix: 167 PGP: 7 [Pool size: 31] 9h: Mix: 200 PGP: 4 [Pool size: 31] 10h: Mix: 169 PGP: 3 [Pool size: 31] 11h: Mix: 186 PGP: 6 [Pool size: 31] 12h: Mix: 207 PGP: 4 [Pool size: 31] 13h: Mix: 191 PGP: 4 [Pool size: 31] Number of messages per day: 17 Sep: Mix: 17 PGP: 9 Intermediate: 255 Mail: 3 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 0 [Pool size: 40] 18 Sep: Mix: 920 PGP: 56 Intermediate:1450 Mail: 98 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 24 [Pool size: 31] 19 Sep: Mix:2085 PGP: 53 Intermediate:2343 Mail: 94 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 12 [Pool size: 31] 20 Sep: Mix:2715 PGP: 72 Intermediate:2816 Mail: 111 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 12 [Pool size: 31] 21 Sep: Mix:4546 PGP: 98 Intermediate:4262 Mail: 159 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 23 [Pool size: 31] 22 Sep: Mix:4404 PGP: 107 Intermediate:4048 Mail: 162 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 14 [Pool size: 31] 23 Sep: Mix:4367 PGP: 108 Intermediate:4095 Mail: 164 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 18 [Pool size: 31] 24 Sep: Mix:4722 PGP: 110 Intermediate:4406 Mail: 161 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 23 [Pool size: 31] 25 Sep: Mix:4625 PGP: 106 Intermediate:4254 Mail: 163 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 19 [Pool size: 31] 26 Sep: Mix:5198 PGP: 110 Intermediate:4786 Mail: 162 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 16 [Pool size: 31] 27 Sep: Mix:4646 PGP: 113 Intermediate:4330 Mail: 168 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 24 [Pool size: 31] 28 Sep: Mix:4469 PGP: 111 Intermediate:4179 Mail: 162 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 20 [Pool size: 31] 29 Sep: Mix:4557 PGP: 103 Intermediate:4369 Mail: 158 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 16 [Pool size: 31] 30 Sep: Mix:4807 PGP: 109 Intermediate:4481 Mail: 162 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 16 [Pool size: 31] 01 Oct: Mix:4566 PGP: 111 Intermediate:4292 Mail: 162 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 24 [Pool size: 31] 02 Oct: Mix:4461 PGP: 105 Intermediate:4130 Mail: 163 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 17 [Pool size: 31] 03 Oct: Mix:4458 PGP: 100 Intermediate:4192 Mail: 159 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 15 [Pool size: 31] 04 Oct: Mix:4702 PGP: 106 Intermediate:4327 Mail: 165 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 19 [Pool size: 31] 05 Oct: Mix:4710 PGP: 100 Intermediate:4405 Mail: 156 Postings: 0 Randhopped: 13 [Pool size: 31] Mix key sizes used (1024, 2048, 3072 and 4096 bit RSA) 2013-01-01 0 0 0 0 2024-09-16 0 0 0 14 2024-09-17 0 0 0 920 2024-09-18 0 0 0 2084 2024-09-19 0 0 0 2714 2024-09-20 0 0 0 4546 2024-09-21 0 0 0 4403 2024-09-22 0 0 0 4365 2024-09-23 0 0 0 4721 2024-09-24 0 0 0 4624 2024-09-25 0 0 0 5196 2024-09-26 0 0 0 4645 2024-09-27 0 0 0 4468 2024-09-28 0 0 0 4555 2024-09-29 0 0 0 4806 2024-09-30 0 0 0 4566 2024-10-01 0 0 0 4460 2024-10-02 0 0 0 4457 2024-10-03 0 0 0 4700 2024-10-04 0 0 0 4708 2024-10-05 0 0 0 4917